Hi, my name is Ana Rui and I’m a visual artist with more than 10 years of experience working in a creative field. Several years I worked as an architect and more recently in illustration and brand design, where I feel I can let my creative skills fully blossom.

A passionate soul with organised methods, I’m driven by turning dreams and ideas into vibrant creative visual solutions. I also love good stories – who doesn’t? – and by telling them, I hope to connect and bring people together.

An architect, a mother, an entrepreneur and a curious dreamer…These are all important parts of me that I translate into my work. With an eye for details, structured processes and a happy playful mind, I love to balance all these aspects using colour and texture to express one’s uniqueness.

Born in Portugal and based in Amsterdam, I experience every day the beauty and excitement of such a diverse world. Beauty is in connection and in the little unexpected things, so let’s make the world a happier and more connected place!

Graag wil ik verwonderen en inspireren met mijn werk door verschillende werelden samen te brengen tot een nieuw beeld. Deels herkenbaar deels verwarrend waarbij de kijker een nieuwe, kleine, gelaagde unieke wereld binnen stapt.

Kenmerkend in mijn visuele kunstwerken zijn de architectonische vormen. Altijd gemaakt met materialen die voor handen zijn, zoals: textiel, hout of papier. Het maakproces staat altijd centraal. Continu neem ik de kijker mee in de experimenten via social media. Zo kan ik kennis overdragen en tegelijkertijd ook verwonderen en inspireren.

Het eindresultaat is een 2D- kunstwerk zoals een collage, wandkleed of sprei van experimenteren met materiaal en pigmenten die voor handen zijn: papier, textiel, hout, rietpluimen en bloemen.


Soft Cities – Studio Marte

I would like to amaze and inspire with my work by bringing different worlds together into a new image. Partly recognizable, partly confusing, in which the viewer enters a new, small, layered unique world.

Characteristic in my visual artworks are the architectural forms. Always made with materials that are available, such as: textile, wood or paper. The making process is always central. I continuously take the viewer along in the experiments via social media. This way I can transfer knowledge and at the same time amaze and inspire.

The end result is a 2D work of art such as a collage, tapestry or bedspread of experimenting with materials and pigments at hand: paper, textiles, wood, reed plumes and flowers.